Hi, for several months I have been trying to make a program of rad stuido 11 C ++ for receiving and transmitting text messages to a board with a processor via serial port RS 232, but no success. i want you to send me or show me how to make the win10 program of C ++ rad studio 11 work like all other terminal programs as i have shown in the graphs in the article.
I tried everything in the software, I even watched a video of yours on how to use Delphi files in C ++ projects. no result. the forms of the C ++ source listing are not visible in the delphi file included in the project.
the compiler made the hpp file as shown in the video, but everything stayed that way.
all i need is simple working example of RAD STUDIO 11 C++ for rs232 for win 10 with simple functions like initport(), readport(), writeport() to get text messages like other terminal program. Other solution is simple component for rad studio 11 for serial communication. i read that you notice that you not provide any serial communication software, that shock me as like punch in 21 century. but any way, if you have a some working example will be super cool.
please help, because for 2 months now I have not had any results with the program and I am late with the project for the whole PLC system and communication.
i show here and picture of pcb board. i ask support of microchip, they say that is my code inside in pic micro is correct. as you can see in other terminal programs all is good.
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